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A Faceted Conceptualization of Digital Object Reuse in Digital Repositories

By Loyola University on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 15:03

Elizabeth Joan Kelly with Ali Shiri, Ayla Stein Kenfield, Kinza Masood, Caroline Muglia, Santi Thompson, Liz Woolcott, "A Faceted Conceptualization of Digital Object Reuse in Digital Repositories," Knowledge Organization at the Interface: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International ISKO Conference (2020): 402 - 410.…

In this paper, we provide an introduction to the concept of digital object reuse and its various connotations in the context of current digital libraries, archives, and repositories. We will then propose a faceted categorization of the various types, contexts, and cases for digital object reuse in order to facilitate understanding and communication and to provide a conceptual framework for the assessment of digital object reuse by various cultural heritage and cultural memory organizations.